Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Training Began

Here are some pictures from the training last Saturday in Huaycan, and this Tuesday in Santa Anita. In all 10 women are interested in this training.

Pictured from left to right:

Maria Mendoza
Cledia (who in a year will return to the jungle region of Peru with her family-her husband is finishing seminary here in Lima)
Isabel Pineda
Lucia Quiquimlla Quichca
Albertina Cardenas

Reyna Quiñones
Elita Aguilar Huilca

(not pictured: Yrene Chahua Huamanzana and Lea Bonzano)

My style of teaching is not just book reading or lecturing. I am a hands on learner, and so I have several activities planned, most which include 2 volunteer actresses, a bit of pretending from all, and the right supplies. So this is of me "cutting my arm and bleeding profusely" (red markers come in handy!) and my helpers.

Right now in Huaycan we are meeting on Saturdays to complete the training, and in Santa Anita we are meeting on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. I'm sure there will be more pictures and hopefully video clips to come soon! Thank you for praying for this ministry!

Juana in her new home

I just wanted to leave a little blog to let you all know that on Tuesday morning at 7:40, Juana Espinoza went on to be with the Lord. As her family described it, she went in peace, like a little dove. Her family told us that since last Thursday, when Mark and a few of us went to visit with her, and pray, that she seemed to be at peace and without pain for the last days of her life. Mark read to her several passages from the bible that Thursday night, when she was uncomfortable, and restless.

The service for her was on Wednesday, and it was interesting to see and learn about some of the traditions.

Please keep her family in your prayers during this time of grief.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Health Training Begins!

Last Saturday (March 31st) I met with several women in Huaycan who are interested in being trained to be health promoters. We talked about the purpose and goals of the ministry, and what the training would look like. We agreed on the dates for the training... which will be April 14, and April 21. From there we'll meet more regularly and I'll teach new things each time. The main training right now will focus on first aid, roles and responsibilities of a promotor, caring for the sick, and nutrition. I actually just finished the first aid section of the training last night... (Its only 36 pages typed!) I am eager and nervous for this to start. I'll be training twice. Once in Huaycan, and again in Santa Anita. (Santa Anita's training will be 2 nights a week for 2 weeks instead of 2 Saturdays, and that will start for them on April 17th).

Please pray for the women who are considering this ministry: Isabel, Lucia, Albertina, and Hermelinda (all from Huaycan); and Lea, Irene, Elita (from Santa Anita).

Its also crunch time for me, so please pray as I finish things up here for the training!

Update on Elizabeth

Last week I went to visit Elizabeth again with one of the future health promoters from Huaycan (Isabel). Elizabeth is doing really well. She'll go back to the doctor at the end of this month, and her external fixation device will probably be taken out, and she will probably start taking small steps to walking normal again. She is encouraged, and eager for this to pass. When we were talking about her scars she told me, "Its just one more testimony of how God has gotten me through this and how he saved my life!"

For Good Friday, there was a church service at the church in Huaycan, uniting a few of the church plants. She really wanted to go, and hasn't been to the church since her accident in January. The only thing impeding her is a way there. Kike and I picked her up before the service (and she was all cutely dressed up!) and brought her down. It was a delight for me. I can't imagine being away from the body of Christ for so long, even though many visit her regularly. She enjoyed her time there, and it was encouraging to see those come up around her and help out.

Thank you for your prayers, and please keep them up! She's still got a bit to go yet!

IV Miracles

A few months ago, 2 sisters, Mechita and Juana Espinosa, and Mechita's daughter Kiara came to Christ. They live together with their mother in a poorer area of Salamanca. Kiara has been involved in the Sunday school we're doing in Salamanca. Kiara and Mechita have been coming to our Thursday night bible studies at Kike and Martha's. Juana, however, has not. Our sister-in-Christ Juana has uterine cancer and is in the last stages. She has lost a lot of strength, and is in the bed most of the time. She has an IV treatment every few days.

Two Friday evenings ago, Martha called me asking if I could come over right away to help Juana. I didn't know exactly what to expect. Their cousin, who is a nurse, has been giving her the IV treatments and medicinal injections, however, she was in an accident, and was not able to come. Juana was due for her next IV bag. I read through the doctor's prescription of the IV and its medicines (mostly electrolytes and vitamins), and prepared that. I started praying at that point too for the IV start (it has been about 2 years since I last started an IV). Once the bag was ready, we stepped into Juana's room, which was lit very very dimly only by a light in the entrance of the room. Juana was in her bed behind the wall that held the light. It was dim. Mechita gave me a candle so I could see the veins better, but unfortunatly the candle holder prevented much light from escaping. So I prayed again. There was only one needle catheter to use for the IV, so it was a one-time shot (in my mind.... its probably normal to try a few times in Peru with the same needle). Early on, even when I was preparing the IV bag, Mechita seemed to question what I was doing. I gently explained my reasoning for whatever it was, realizing that she is worried for her sister and curious about how I was doing things. She also was comparing my actions with her cousins. I was acting only in the quality of care I know how to give. The needle was slightly different than that I was used to, but no matter, I needed to start an IV. I prayed once more as I was inserting the needle in the dimly lit room (thankful that a huge part of putting in an IV is feeling the vein, and not seeing it... I couldn't see it because of the dim light and her dark skin), and God directed the needle in place! Some blood did come out in the process of me attaching the IV tubing to the IV catheter, but not too much. It was enough, however, to get Mechita upset, where she pretty much went off on me for everything I did, telling me how the other nurse does it differently, that I wasn't doing it right, etc. By then the IV rate was dripping as directed by the doctor, the IV was secured, and everything was going well. I think for me it was hard, because in my opinion, God inserted that IV, with so many things against me (long time no practice, dim lighting, one needle that was a bit different....), and my heart was rejoicing in how He guided me, but all of that was being attacked because it was different than someone elses style. I got no closure with Mechita that night.

The next day, I went back with Martha, not knowing if they even wanted me there, and another beautiful miraculous thing happened. As soon as Mechita saw me, she gave me a big hug and asked for my forgiveness (she's a 2 month old Christian), we talked for a bit, me forgiving her and telling her not to worry about it. Then later after we visited with Juana a bit, she apologized again, and I could tell she was still upset at the way she'd treated me. I told her to not worry about it, it was behind us, that "we" were ok, and that she had more to worry about than what had happened. Then she said something very encouraging. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Please continue to use your skills and continue learning. It can really help people like us who can't do this and need your help."

Since then, I've been over there, so many times I can't count. To give her pain medicine, or nausea medicine, massages, or another IV (this 2nd one put in by the afternoon light that came into the holes in the roof/ceiling, and me in the bed against the wall to put it in the other arm....another new experience). Each time the friendship growing stronger between me and Mechita. She's had some hard hurdles in her new faith as facing the upcoming death of her sister Juana (who is in her mid-forties) is very challenging. She is very eager to learn, and has mentioned that she would like to spend more time praying with me. I am encouraged by the support they have received by the Christian community here in Salamanca. She mentioned to me that if it wasn't for her "spiritual sisters" she couldn't get through this experience.

THIS is just another way God has encouraged me, that for this point in my life, I am where I need to be.

Please pray for Juana, for healing, peace her suffering, aliviation of her pain, and confidence in the Lord at this time. Also for her family, their financial situation, the burdens they are carrying, and confidence in the Lord at this time.