Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Friday, November 23, 2007

My Girls

Raquel and I


Gianella and Romina

These girls have been the biggest part of my ministry now, as I have been meeting with them weekly for discipleship. It has been encouraging for me to see how they have grown in the time that I have known them. It is all the Lord and His hand in their lives; I have been blessed to see and be a small part of it. With Monica and Raquel, we recently finished a book bible study "Como Llegar a Ser Una Mujer de Oración" (How to Become a Woman of Prayer) and we are now in "Dama en Espera" (Lady in Waiting). With Romina and Gianella we are studying the Psalms and looking at the attributes of God that are found there. They all are eager to serve in the church too, and have already begun serving in different areas.

Please pray with me for them....
For Raquel: continual spiritual growth, dependence on Christ for all her needs, some Christian friends who can help build her up
For Monica: continual spiritual growth, continual boldness in sharing her faith, dependence on Christ for her needs, healing in her family
For Romina and Gianella: continual spiritual growth, that as sisters they can learn and grow together in Christ and help other youth their age, and continual excitement to learn more

My time with them has been so precious, and I've already started grieving in knowing that time is growing short, and soon I will not be here with them. I entrust them to the Lord and rejoice that I have been given the opportunity to be with them.


Any day now, Lea Bonzano will be having her baby girl. She has been in many of my updates this year. Early in her pregnancy she started having complications and had been on bed rest. Things began to improve and she was slowly able to do more things, but mostly in her home, and finally able to do more things out and about. She and her husband Jorge have been coming to our new church plant in Salamanca and are attending the membership classes too. I am still visiting her weekly as possible, and it has been a huge blessing that Laura Salvatierra is here too, she is going with me as well to visit. She knows a lot more about maternity nursing than I do, so has been a great encouragement and knowledge base for Lea.

Earlier this month we held a baby shower for Lea and Jorge. It was a lot of fun and well attended! It was the first time I've ever hosted a baby shower (and came to find that they can be a lot of work!) but it was so worth it. It was a good time of fellowship, we got to meet more of Jorge and Lea's family, we got to encourage them, and they were able to get a little basic start of supplies for a baby.

I got off the phone with Lea a bit ago, and her contractions have increased to every 2 hours... so there is still some time, but if you happen to read this, if you could pray for her, that just as the Lord brought her this far, He'll bring her even further to give birth without complications to this precious baby girl, and that both mother and daughter will be healthy.