My Last Weeks in Perú
This post is a bit overdue, but what can I say? I have been really busy since I have been back in the states.

My last few weeks were very busy, very sleep deprived, but very good. One thing that I learned was so important before coming to Peru is the importance of good goodbyes. I believe that I had good goodbyes when I left the states 2 1/2 + years ago, and I wanted to implement some of the same things in my goodbyes in Peru. I visited with many people, was invited to many meals, and had a supurb going away party "despedida" the night before my 1st departure. (I say 1st because, for those of you who don't know, my original flight was unable to take off, and so I stayed another day. It good, but 2 goodbyes were hard.) There were many activities... from beach trips (as it was summer there) to a youth talent show (which they so lovingly dedicated to me), Valentines day, and many many other get-togethers and invites.
Here are some pictures that speak more than my words can right now for me:
After a sweet lunch with Paulo, Raquel, their family, and my roommates.
My first attempt of making ceviche (a Peruvian fish meal), and lunch with the Matamoros.
My last visit with Meche, Maximina, Martin, and Kiara.
Me with Susan and Monica at our Valentine's Day party.
Me with Michael, Laura, and Noah Salvatierra at my going-away party.
Me and Monica at my going-away party.
A group shot at my going-away party... And many had already left by this point!!!
Toby wanting to go with me.... he was a bit sad in those last days too.
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