Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Video from Huaycan Charla

This is a video clip that has taken me forever to get up on here! One: I'm a baby in the art of videography and editing. My first attempt, after many hours on my freedays, the video was too long to be uploaded onto the sites. I found that out the hard way! Two: My computer has been on the fritz. I've been without it on many occasions now as it has been in the lab (so to say). It'd get better, work for a week, and then go on the fritz again. Anyways, so now I have my computer back, and this first day of having it, I was able to reedit and now get it posted for you all.

Enough said on that.

This clip is just to give you a little taste of my life here in Lima. I have 3 health charla (talks) a month, at least, in different areas where we work. The clip is from a health charla in Huaycan about 3 months ago. That evening I was teaching more in my series of nutrition, and what is a balanced diet. For a culture who has a very high carb diet (and in that I mean rice and potatoes are always together on their plates), knowing what a balanced meal is has been challenging. When I show a balanced meal with only potatoes, they ask, "And where is the rice???" I also have a spiritual application part of my health charlas. In this video clip, the pastor's wife, Reyna helped me in teaching them about putting this lesson in practice.

I hope you enjoy this video!

EE Clinic

Two days after getting back from Panama, Laura and I embarked on a week-long clinic for EE (Evangelism Explosion) from October 20-28. We had finished the 13 week course in September, however, our team leader wanted us to take the clinic, which is the 13 week course jam-packed into 1 week, in order to strengthen our presentation. That week was challenging, but good as well. We were able to meet many other pastors and leaders here in Lima, as well as other provinces of Peru. We were also able to get to know some of the leaders in the Huaycan church a bit more. We went out for 3 visitations. Laura and I finished the class and received certification. We are using EE in our ministries as well. It is a blessing, especially for me in Spanish, to have learned this method.

(The group of us who received our certifates at the end of the clinic.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

MTW Area Retreat in Panama

Last month I had the wonderful opportunity to attend MTW’s Latin American Retreat. It takes place once every four years, and this year we were able to spend a week in Panama. There were roughly 300 missionaries, or home office staff present, and it was a wonderful time of renewal. I thoroughly enjoyed the meetings and sessions. It was good to worship corporately in English again as well as having live sermons in English. We had the afternoons free before our evening sessions, where if it wasn’t down pouring (due to the rainy season there in Panama), we’d have some beach time. I also enjoyed getting to know my teammates better, including the Ross’s who are in language school and will be coming to Lima in January. It was good to meet many other missionaries too. It was good to have that week because we came back jumping into a few very, very busy weeks here in Lima.

(Susan Crenshaw with Jeremy and Amanda Ross and their girls Kayla and Bella)

(My team leaders Mark and Lori Berry)

(Me with Laura Hoyt and Susan Crenshaw.... my roommates and teammates here in Lima. That week was a blessed time for us too, to be able to relax together and enjoy each other outside of a work environment. They are such a big blessing to me!)

Satan's attempts & God's Successes: A story from one of my health charlas

Its interesting on the spiritual battlefield to see how the enemy will try to stop the plans of the Most High Master and Commander, but its great for me to be on His side! I say this because I have had some experiences where I can see both forces at work, yet the One and only Force is always winning, and is always working through me, when even I, as a weak vessel am attacked.

For example, last month before my most recent health “charla” in Huaycan, various things took place that one could easily excuse canceling the charla. From computer issues (that God miraculously allowed for me to finish my charla) to stomach issues only that afternoon. (Also to preface that, I am not ever nervous before giving a health charla… I actually quite enjoy them.) To put it nicely, ten minutes before my taxi arrived, I lost part of what I ate that day, leaving me feeling weak, nauseated, and quite “blah”. The thought ran across my head to see if I should cancel it, I mean really…. I had just thrown up! Maybe it was the perseverance in me, or strong will, although I believe it was the Holy Spirit, but the stronger thought of, “God’s work goes on (even if you just threw up)” came across my mind, and I knew with confidence that He would, like He always does, work in spite of me that night. I had called Mark and Lori (my team leaders) for prayer, because I knew I needed more prayers than my own, and one of my remarks was that I couldn’t wait to see how He was going to get the glory, because it never fails! He always does do some amazing things.

I had NO idea what amazing thing He was going to do that night.

I arrived to Huaycan, and this time I had more people attending than ever, guys and youth included too! (normally it is only women). I still was feeling quite under the weather, but continued on, only in His power! On the front row was Maria Mendoza, listening intently and taking notes. I had met her a few weeks earlier at a youth lock-in. (She came not knowing it was a lock-in for youth… She’s in her late 30s. But just the same, she had a good time.) In all honesty, I don’t remember too much about the health talk, I do remember the topic, but not much of me sharing that evening. As always there is a part of the health talk that has spiritual application, and as that evening I talked about malnutrition, I spoke of spiritual malnutrition, and the deep hole that we all have and try to fill with other things when we don’t have Christ, and how He is the only thing that can fill that profound hole.

After the talk that night, I chatted a bit with Maria, and then went to help with passing out the snacks. The pastor’s wife, Reyna, asked me if I could talk further with Maria, because she wasn’t yet a believer. Since we had recently finished the Evangelism Explosion course (in Spanish), I would present the gospel with that format. I agreed and as I went back to continue my conversation with Maria, my mind went blank, and I realized that I couldn’t remember the outline of the presentation, but I walked forward anyways knowing that He’d bring what I needed to mind, when I needed it. (And I was keeping in my mind, that this might just be how He was going to receive the glory that night.) She was quite the talker, but it was so interesting hearing her story! One of the most amazing parts is that she recognized me from working on the roof 2 ½ years ago with OMPC! She lives very close where she can see the church quite well, and she was convinced when she saw me a few weeks earlier that I was one of those women working on the roof (an untraditional thing here, that’s for sure!). After an hour or so of her sharing her story, struggles, dreams, and how God had been tugging at her heart, she made a comment about the spiritual application of my health charla. From that point I was able to present the gospel to her, and wouldn’t you know that God brought everything to mind every time I needed it!

In the end, understanding everything, Maria joyfully accepted Christ!

She shared with me afterwards all the things that were placed in her way all that day, that could have kept her from coming, but she didn’t want to miss that evening’s charla. The enemy is working, but so is God, and He is much stronger! Please pray with me that Maria would grow in her new faith and that the enemy who tried so hard to keep her from coming that night, would cower away from further attempts on her faith.