My Peruvian Adoption
When I got my last puppy, I had about 4 weeks to think of a good name for him. But this day I didn’t wake up thinking, “Hmm…. Maybe I’ll get a dog today.” It just happened. So for about a day or so, this little fella didn’t have a name. I had a little list of ideas, and I also was looking on the internet, but nothing seemed to fit this little guy. I wanted a cute name, and one that had a good significance too. Well, finally my list came down to Coby or Toby. So I went to look up what those names meant. Coby was derived from Coburn, which is a name of a town. However, Toby was derived from Tobiah, which is Hebrew and means “Yah-weh is good” (God is good). My decision was made easy between the two then.
Some day I may adopt a different Peruvian, however right now, this little Peruvian is keeping my hands full too.
So here is a picture of my little adopted baby named Toby: