Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What's next?

I've gotten that question a lot lately, be it in English or Spanish. I am in a bit of transition, as I will be back on US soil in about 4 months. Its is so hard to believe how fast this time has flown. I am still praying for complete savoring and enjoyment of these last months here. I am still excited to be here, so its not like I am counting down because I dread it here. I am excited to be here and I am excited to return. I am sad to leave and scared to come back. I will not be extending my time, even after thinking and praying about it, I do not feel the Lord calling me to stay beyond the 2 years I will complete in Lima. So... that is what brings us to answer the question, "What's next?"

As of now, this is what I feel the Lord leading me to. (He often rearranges my plans, so all of this is flexible). Upon my arrival back to the states at the end of February, I anticipate traveling around to churches and supporters visiting and sharing about my time in Peru. I am projecting starting a job at the end of April/early May. I will be returning to Birmingham, and thus returning to my home and supporting church Oak Mountain Presbyterian, where good friends await. In my hope and dream to eventually study further to be a nurse practitioner, I would like to work at Children's Hospital for some more pediatric experience. I am praying months in advance for a position there of 7on 7off with the night shift of 11p-7a. (Feel free to pray that specific prayer with me). Why that schedule?? Working as a nurse, there is less possibility of having Sundays off to go to church, and this is one way I could do that as well as get plugged into things back home or get involved with some ministries. I would also like to see some more of family and friends that I haven't seen in a few years, and this schedule would also allow for some travel. So perhaps after a few years of working and saving, I'll be able to pursue the studies to be a nurse practitioner.

So there you have it!

Please pray with me about some specifics upon my return: Car, finances, job, place to live, roommate(s), TRANSITIONING, travel, speaking engagements, etc.


Its been a while

Well, it has been a while, sorry for the delays, but thanks for checking my blog when you can! It has been a very busy month+/_ for me. It has been good, but it hasn't been without its various challenges. After the disaster trip I took last month, I had about a week before some vacation time where I hiked the Inca Trail with my roommates. It was a great trip, and renewed my love for hiking... it was a beautiful trail, with different views of the Andes, passing through many ruins along the way (and playing in them some! :-D ), and ending at Machu Picchu. Right after we got back, I had about a week before my parents arrived. More on their visit on the previous post. They left last week, and I am getting back to "normal". What is normal for me? (I wish I knew!).

We recently started a new Sunday School curriculum, so that has been fun to dive into. The kickoff for this curriculum was the Sunday I was traveling with my parents, so I am now learning some of its methods. Its a good program that teaches the bible chronologically. I am assisting in teaching the group of 11-14 year olds. I am still discipling, doing the children's bulletins, working the worship team, and visiting different people.

This past weekend was exciting as we had the arrival of the Salvatierras to Lima. Michael, Laura, and Noah Salvatierra just finished language school in Arequipa and are here in Lima. Please pray with us for a home for them here in Salamanca. Their desire is to be living where they will be serving, but there are not too many places available right now. Here is a picture from the welcome party we had for them.

Spiritual Warfare Seminar

This month started off well with a seminar led by my father Al Bennett at our church plant here in Salamanca. On Sunday, September 30, my father preached, and then he gave his testimony after church when we had a special lunch and fellowship time. For those of you who don't know about my dad's testimony, he was deeply involved in the occult as a teen. His testimony is quite different than most and very impactful! Many people were touched by it, and eager to come to the seminar that we were holding in the following days. Dad had a few ministry opportunities as well.
Dad preaching Sunday morning, translated by John Goodman.

Praying with Roberto, translation by John Goodman.

Monday, October 1 through Thursday, October 4 in the evenings we held the seminar at one of the schools nearby. (The owner of this school is the man who is letting us use another of his school locations for our worship and other church meetings.) The turn out was very good. An average of 35 people a night, a few nights topping 40. People came from many different churches. His teachings were right from the scriptures, and though many of the topics centered around the work of our spiritual enemy, Satan, Dad focused a lot on assurance of salvation and the power of Christ, which seemed to be a theme greatly needed. It was a blessing to have both my parents here, and have my dad ministering to those near to me here.

(Mark Berry translated for my dad.)

Their visit was fun. They were my first visitors and since they are my parents, I had such a good time showing them around my world here, my Lima, and having them meet so many people that mean so much to me! Many days we were invited over by different people: Kike & Martha, Lea, Robin & Elita, and of course the Berry's and Rosses (missionary families on my team). It was so much fun for my parents to get to know my friends. I tried to show them and take them to the highlights of Lima, the highlights of my life here in Lima, current and former ministry locations.

We had a few days after the seminar to travel, and so we went to Cusco, my favorite visiting spot in Peru, they got to see one of the new wonders of the world-Machu Picchu. We had a good time other than their struggles with the altitude and dry air.

Thank you all for your prayers. Since Dad was speaking on a theme against our spiritual enemy, we knew we needed a lot of prayer, and Satan did have some attacks, but he didn't win the battle. Without your prayers his attacks would have been more strong, so a special thank you to all my guerreros de oración (prayer warriors)!!!