Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What a Whirlwind its been!

The past month to six weeks has been so full, so crazy, so busy, but so much a blessing. I had one of the best and memorable Christmases ever as it was spent with so many people that mean so much to me. When I refer to Christmas, I mean the season more than the exact day.... though Christmas eve and Christmas day were very special. Like in the states, there are a lot of parties, people getting together and doing things, the lights, the trees, the songs, the gift-giving, and the normal stressful hairpulling season! 

Here is a picture of me with my girls at a Christmas party held at the Rosses house.
Here in Peru they celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with a huge feast late at night, either at midnight or before to "bring in Christmas", and everyone sets off fireworks at midnight too. Teammate and roommate Laura Hoyt and I had received some sweet invitations to join some families for Christmas, and so we split our time between the two. The Matamoros were planning to eat an earlier dinner, so we went over early, and helped them in the feast preparations, and then ate a nice big meal. It was a very special time. This family has become one of my families far from home for me. 

After that feast, we went to our good friends the Mauros, who live a few doors down. We are closest to Raquel and Paulo who are close to our ages, and have been getting to know their parents more (who minister in Ayacucho-another area in Peru) and their brother Carlos who is serving in the Peru military. (pictures of the family are below). We had yet another feast with them about 2 hours after our first one. (It is truly a miracle that I ate so much in such a short period of time!!) There were more of their family present. It was a lot of fun! We were with them at midnight to watch all the fireworks and then go back in for the opening of the presents. 

On Christmas Day, Laura and I had the Mauros over for a traditional Christmas breakfast (at least for me, Monkey Bread!!). We wanted to share how we spend Christmas day generally in the states, with reading the birth story and talking about it, as well as singing, and gifts. It was a special time with them again. 

After Christmas I had a special visit from my dear friend Sarah Nell Jones. We spent some time in Lima, and also traveled to Arequipa and Nazca. It was a very special time for me, as I love sharing Peru and what I love about it to people, especially my dear friends or family from home. 

The evening we got back to Lima from our trip, I received a call from home that my grandmother had passed away that same day. MTW assisted for me to be able to return home briefly for the services, and it worked out for transportation too, as I was on a different flight than Sarah, but she, her fianceé and her family could get me to the service and to my family. I was there just a few short days, but it was good for me to be there with my family. Please pray for my family in this time of mourning.... more specifically for my dad and my aunt. 

So now I am back in Lima, and having a hard time..... I am looking at the remainder of my time, and how it is dwindling down. Its as if time is pulling me, but my heels are skidding as I am being pulled. I am not ready to go yet. I love this place and the people so much, and it grieves me to say goodbye. I confess that I am in a little bit of depression about leaving. I don't know what God is going to do in my life, and I know that I have a "plan" of sorts, but know that He can and probably will rearrange my plans. I am just going to keep my eyes on Him and let His hand guide me. It is still my prayer and I am attempting to live every day to its fullest, and to take advantage of the opportunities He gives me. 

I do crave your prayer for this time of transition. 

Thank you all for all your prayers in these years. I will write more as I can.