Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Faces I Can Never Get Tired Of!!

So I have been in Lima now for about 2 months, which is proof for me that time does fly fast! I have gotten into a bit of a schedule, preparing for a series of health talks I will be giving in several churches, and working at the Diaconal Project in Huaycan, a shantytown area outside of Lima.

Here in Peru, it is normal to greet women with kisses on the cheek, and men handshakes. Everyday we arrive to the project and are overwhelmed by shouts of excitment and right after those, the many sweet kisses from the children in the project.

Here are my sweeties!

This last week I got to visit the parents/families of these kids. I was glad for the opportunity to go into the homes and learn more about how these kids live. These kids are in the project for different reasons each, but mostly for their economical needs. It was a humbling time--yet to hear stories from the families, their struggles, and also their faith--it was an encouraging time as well. As time goes on, I am hoping to add a blog for each child, so that you as well can get to know these precious children!

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~Jesus~ Matthew 19:14