Pieces of Manna
I have been reading the book ¨The Allure of Hope¨ by Jan Meyers, and in it the Isrealites and their wandering in the desert is discussed. She writes about how the Lord provided daily manna for their needs as they were longing for the promised land. We are living like the Isrealites as well, in that we are longing for heaven. Daily the Lord provides ¨manna¨ of some sort as we are reminded of heaven or of His provision. Ever since I read about this, I try to find something daily that is my manna. Here are some of my pieces of manna so far:
* When I remember to look up on my walk to school and see an amazing snow capped volcano in the distance
* When I hear 90’s techno music as I am in my spinning class, and briefly close my eyes to be taken back to middle-school end of the year parties at the skating rink (It always brings a smile to my face)
* When I can laugh with my teacher with embarrassment because I accidentally said something nasty in Spanish (that I will not be translating here)
* Opening a certain cabinet in the house here that has a similar smell as my Granny’s old house in Alabama
* Being able to talk to friends back home when they are at the beach and knowing that the same sun they’re cooking under is the same that is roasting me too!
* Seeing a Hyundai Santa Fe for sale (isn´t it ironic...don´t ya think!) in my neighborhood and letting it be a daily reminder that God did provide and He will provide (PS… for those who I may have not updated, Dad bought it from me and traded it and another car in, so it is no longer on my shoulders)
* Receiving sermons from back home, that are in fact more like feasts of manna than pieces of manna. Oh how they feed my soul!
* When I remember to look up on my walk to school and see an amazing snow capped volcano in the distance
* When I hear 90’s techno music as I am in my spinning class, and briefly close my eyes to be taken back to middle-school end of the year parties at the skating rink (It always brings a smile to my face)
* When I can laugh with my teacher with embarrassment because I accidentally said something nasty in Spanish (that I will not be translating here)
* Opening a certain cabinet in the house here that has a similar smell as my Granny’s old house in Alabama
* Being able to talk to friends back home when they are at the beach and knowing that the same sun they’re cooking under is the same that is roasting me too!
* Seeing a Hyundai Santa Fe for sale (isn´t it ironic...don´t ya think!) in my neighborhood and letting it be a daily reminder that God did provide and He will provide (PS… for those who I may have not updated, Dad bought it from me and traded it and another car in, so it is no longer on my shoulders)
* Receiving sermons from back home, that are in fact more like feasts of manna than pieces of manna. Oh how they feed my soul!
At September 11, 2005 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey becca. this is your cousin drew. how are you doing? how's peru? hope you're having a great time. we've got brad's wedding this weekend so that ought to be good. talk to you later.
At September 14, 2005 6:48 PM,
Sara McAllister said…
I'm glad you're getting some encouragement in Peru. I know that God will give you everything that you need... and most likely more!
Here's a suggestion for a good online sermon. Ravi Zacharias is the best! http://www.rzim.org/radio/radio.php
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