Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Best Send-Off a Girl Could Have!

Exactly one month ago, on July 23rd a Peru party was held for me, a going away party of sorts. My friends Catherine, Whitney, and Julie even made shirts that said ¨I Love Becca¨. HOW SWEET!! I don´t think that I have been to a party that has been more fun than this one. Many people from different places in my life came, such as my family, friends from high school, college, Montgomery/Millbrook, Ridge Haven, and Birmingham, oh and even Peru! I had a blast! The house was full of so many people, and there was a dance floor in one section, with my friend Trent DJ-ing. It was so crazy at times and I sure hope that I was able to talk to everyone who came. One of the most memorable times was when the party and music stopped, and I was surrounded by my friends who lifted me up in prayer. One of the last songs I heard before the DJ station was shut down (and not by the cops) was Sweet Home Alabama, and I don’t think that song ever became more special! I have some wonderful friends back home and what a way to be sent off!

I’ll never forget it! Even if I become old and senile, I’ll be dancin’ the Cotton Eye Joe in my wheelchair--Some things just become ingrained! However, I don´t think I´ll dance to ¨Yeah¨ when I am old and senile because if I broke my toe dancing to it when I was 24, there´s no telling what I´d break at the age of 80+!!

Here are some pictures from the party: Me and DJ McCool, and a group shot as the party was coming to a close.

The next day was my commissioning service at Oak Mountain where Bob Flayhart, my pastor, and the elders of the church surrounded me and my parents, laid hands on us and lifted us up in prayer. When I stood up on the stage, I looked back and the entire singles class had come in and were standing in the back showing their support. It all was such a blessing and hard not to cry! That afternoon was so crazy trying to move all of my belongings, finish packing, visit my friends, and say goodbye. Saying goodbye was so hard for me! Now as I am here in Peru, I see why it was so good for my transistion and letting go, but that was so difficult! You know you have good friends when it is that hard!

Here are just a few of my many friends who came for the events:

(Roomies from the ¨Broken Hize¨)

(The McAllisters: John and Sara--JuannyMac and Sarita)

(Sarah Jones--aka to me, my ¨seeester¨)


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