Prayer Beyond Borders
I went to a women’s bible study tonight where there were around 20 women in the meeting. Such a sweet time of fellowship, even in the midst of me not being able to communicate well. When it came time to share prayer requests, my house mom, Eli shared about my dad whom had surgery earlier that day. How beautiful that he was lifted up in prayer, in a language different from his own, by women he will probably never meet on this side of heaven! But how much more beautiful is that these prayers lifted for him were heard by a Savior who has no borders and no language or cultural barriers. And this is the same God that has given me such a sweet opportunity to learn another language and culture of which I am falling in love with.
At August 29, 2005 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Becca! It's Allison. I love your blog! Seeing the pictures and hearing the stories makes me want to go back so bad! I'm glad you're having a great time and learning that Spanish. I will by praying for you because I know it must be a crazy transition for you. Love you!
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