Motorcycle Diaries

I had a rare adventure a few weeks ago when our team was on a retreat in Cuzco, Peru. Just off of the main square downtown (Plaza de Armas) you can rent motorcycles for just 8 dollars an hour. Yep, that’s ocho dolares! How many people do you know that can say they rode on a motorcycle in the Andes riding past Incan ruins? If you know me, that’s at least one! I went with my friend Andrew up on a mountain overlooking Cuzco, and we passed several Incan ruins along the way (one called Saqsaywaman….which is fun to say phonetically). I wasn’t able to get pictures of them as we passed by, (you know… safety is important…yes mom and dad we were being careful!) but was able to get some pix of the sun setting when we stopped to turn around. It was such an amazing ride! I’ve ridden in the flat lands of Florida and Alabama, the hills of Birmingham, and the mountains of North Carolina, but this just might top them all! And if there are any arguments against this, I was at about 11,000 feet above sea level, so literally, it does top them all. (For those who saw the foreign film “Motorcycle Diaries” I might begin my own version! For those who haven’t… check it out at your local Blockbuster, you’ll get to see some of
Peru, and you might even learn a little Spanish)

Our driver is the one with the hoodie! (Me, Andrew Halbert, and little Aaron Matthews)
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