My How Time Flies!!!
It is SOOO hard to believe that 2 years ago this week, I was on my first mission trip ever, and it was here in Peru. After that trip I got swept up in a whirlwind of applying and being approved by Mission to the World, raising support, going through training, and arriving here!
(Here's me 2 years ago here!)
(Here's me 2 years ago here!)

(And here is a kind-of recent shot 2 years later.)

Right now I am on Christmas vacation from language school, and visiting some missionary friends in Cusco, so I get to have a bit of a language mental break before returning to my last few weeks of language school. That is hard to believe too, that I have already been here for over 5 months, and have a month left of school before I start my ministry in Lima.
When I think of these things, how much God has taught me and how far He has brought me in the past 2 years, it is beyond my comprehension what He might do in my life these next 2 years. It is also beyond me sometimes to think that He actually wanted this for my life, of having the opportunity to live and work in another country, and meet the amazing people I have met! I never imagined this for myself, nor desired it at an earlier age, however, He changed my desires, and He has given me such adventures when I follow His will!
Here is yet more pictures to share with you from this week. This was taken at an indian village outside of Cusco, when I went with a few nurses with their house visits. We had to take a taxi to a certain point, and then hike to get to the village, but the view was so worth it!!! What an amazing God we have who has made this world, and has given me the grace to actually stand and view this aspect of His creation! Here is a glimpse of His Andes mountains:

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