More of My Life Here
This is a picture of my family that was taken at my sister´s graduation:

Eli, Ana, Juan Carlos
This is a cute little park that I walk through everyday on my way to school.
If I remember to look up, here is a beautiful view that I have as I walk to school:
Here is my where my school is held. It is a house, but not used as one. It´s very cozy!
Here are some of the teachers, and some of the former and current students at the school:
Here is another beautiful picture of one of the overlooks here in Arequipa.
And some other random shots that have been taken of me since I got here.....
The first of me eating ¨Túna¨ which is a type of fruit, actually from a cactus. It´s sweet, but full of small hard seeds. I don´t like it too much for that consistency factor.

This one is from when I tended to my ¨patient¨. The water bag in the box sprung a leak, and using my wound care skills I dressed up the wound, but the pressure of the water was too strong, so here I performed a transplant ¨surgery¨ by putting the water in a new bag.

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