Becca In Perú

Welcome to my blog! This page is to share with you some of my life experiences here in Peru. Feel free to browse through my articles posted. It is a lot of what I see, hear, and observe, as well as my thoughts and inspirations from it. It may not accurately represent the culture in which I am living, as it is through my eyes and not theirs, but it may give you a little taste of Peru and my life here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Summer Fun

It is summer here in Peru, actually it is getting to the end of the summer. It has been very hot, very humid, and somedays almost untolerable! Yet, fall is near, there will be less sun, and soon the many months of gray overcast Lima sky. HOWEVER.... we have enjoyed the summer as one would normally here, and being that Lima is on the coast, we've taken a few trips to the beach on our off days. The beaches around Lima are not that pleasant, and quite polluted, so we've gone south about 40 minutes to some cleaner, nicer beaches. Our first trip was with a dear Peruvian family, the Matamoros (Kike, Martha, Romina, and Gianella). We had a great time, and got a little burned. Our second time we went with the Davidson ladies (Bonita, Anna, and Ila- some MTW missionaries here in Lima). Both beaches were nice in their own ways, and us single MTW Lima gals had a good time. (It is good to get away every now and then).


Also we treated our friend/househelper Lucia and her family to a day with us at the Lima Zoo- Parque de las Leyendas. It is the largest zoo in Peru, and was a fun place to spend the day. Her children had only been to tiny zoos, petting farm type places, so it was fun to see them getting excited about the animals. Especially her son Santiago, who is really into animals right now.

(Lucia, Santiago, Felix, and Zarumi)



*One side story about Santiago is that this past year he was going through a difficult phase, learning some horrible habits, words, and attitudes from some of the kids in his preschool. Lucia was really concerned. Once in his interaction with me, he sported an attitude like I'd never seen and then hit me. (The issue was addressed of course, but I was quite confused in his interaction with me.) Well, he seems to have passed that stage and is behaving a lot better, and even becoming pals with me! (On the way home he fell asleep, and we all parted ways.... His first thought upon waking was "¡Pero no les dije gracias a las señoritas!" (But I didn't tell the girls thank you!) Lucia and Felix were happy about hearing this because often they struggle in getting him to say thank you and that is when they make him. He wanted to do this on his own.

(Me and my new pal Santiago)


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