To See Through Their Eyes
I pass him by
Many a day
Selling sodas
To earn a small pay
He sells them on streets
To buses passing by
But its not what he does
That catches my eye
With a humped back
And no teeth in his smile
Tattered dirty cloths
His only choice in style
My guess of his appearance
He's no less than 65
With no 401 plan
The elderly still have to survive
I cannot help but wonder
What his eyes have seen
What is his life like?
Has he achieved a single dream?
I assume its a life
That has been quite full
Of many a hardships
And even more strife
Subjected to poverty
But wanting to live
His own family in need
Yet he is lacking to give
She sells bits of candy
Downtown in the night
Strapped to her back
Is her youngest weighing too light
Her child is sick and malnourished
Help is what she needs
And though she loves her child
She's too ashamed to plead
"They've helped me out so much" she says
"I dare not ask for more"
Yet her daily pay will not provide
For all her children (there are four)
Her children are hungry
And need to be fed
But what happens here,
When one can't afford bread?
I cannot help but wonder
What her eyes have seen
How many tears have fallen knowing
She can't help her own fulfill their dreams
I assume its a life of pain
As she is running in fear
From her abusive husband far away
Settling with her children here
Subjected to poverty
But wanting to live
Her own children in need
Yet she is lacking of to give
I cannot conceive
What it is like
To live as they live
Dirt poor in this life
I've always been sheltered
Never lacking a meal
With clothes on my back
Yet their fight is so real
I don't know why
My life is this way
With the blessings I have
I lack words to say
To see through their eyes
Would be something grand
To know their heart more
To better understand
I look in the mirror
And what do I see?
A child of God
Still in great need
As I stand before the throne
I am just like them all
In need of a Savior
For daily I fall
To see through His eyes
Would be something grand
To know my heart more
To better understand......
Many a day
Selling sodas
To earn a small pay
He sells them on streets
To buses passing by
But its not what he does
That catches my eye
With a humped back
And no teeth in his smile
Tattered dirty cloths
His only choice in style
My guess of his appearance
He's no less than 65
With no 401 plan
The elderly still have to survive
I cannot help but wonder
What his eyes have seen
What is his life like?
Has he achieved a single dream?
I assume its a life
That has been quite full
Of many a hardships
And even more strife
Subjected to poverty
But wanting to live
His own family in need
Yet he is lacking to give
She sells bits of candy
Downtown in the night
Strapped to her back
Is her youngest weighing too light
Her child is sick and malnourished
Help is what she needs
And though she loves her child
She's too ashamed to plead
"They've helped me out so much" she says
"I dare not ask for more"
Yet her daily pay will not provide
For all her children (there are four)
Her children are hungry
And need to be fed
But what happens here,
When one can't afford bread?
I cannot help but wonder
What her eyes have seen
How many tears have fallen knowing
She can't help her own fulfill their dreams
I assume its a life of pain
As she is running in fear
From her abusive husband far away
Settling with her children here
Subjected to poverty
But wanting to live
Her own children in need
Yet she is lacking of to give
I cannot conceive
What it is like
To live as they live
Dirt poor in this life
I've always been sheltered
Never lacking a meal
With clothes on my back
Yet their fight is so real
I don't know why
My life is this way
With the blessings I have
I lack words to say
To see through their eyes
Would be something grand
To know their heart more
To better understand
I look in the mirror
And what do I see?
A child of God
Still in great need
As I stand before the throne
I am just like them all
In need of a Savior
For daily I fall
To see through His eyes
Would be something grand
To know my heart more
To better understand......
At September 23, 2006 8:15 PM,
Sara McAllister said…
Very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing that. :)
At October 09, 2006 8:44 PM,
Veritas said…
I understand what you mean about asking why we are blessed the way we are. Why did God make me an American witha laptop and air conditioning, while some child, probably far less offensive to Him than me dirty self, is living in a trash dump or in slavery. Free grace alone. That will throw you to your knees!
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